26th to 28th April 2019
The most sought after academic event of the year is round the corner. A blend of knowledge and leisure gives you an opportunity to redeem your professional skills amid the relaxing environment in the picturesque summer resort. A well deserving break you need from your monotonous hectic routine. Bhurban 2018 awaits your esteemed presence and promises to be the unforgettable event of the year.

Dr. Zia Ul Mazhry Schedule For Fedral Opthalmo Bhurban 2019
26-04-19 1700-1800 Shazia Hall Panel Discussion Majeed Malik "Aqil Qazi
Zia Mazhry
Mazhar Ishaq
Amir Israr
Shareef Hashmani
Afzal Naz "
27-04-19 1000-1100 Mirajan Hall How to tackle difficult cataract cases Khalid Masood Ashraf
27-04-19 1430-1440 Kashmir Hall Interpretation of digital Hess Test Syed Abdullah Shad Muhammad Mustafa Iqbal
27-04-19 1631-1638 Kashmir Hall Psychophysics of Neuroadaptation and its relationship with Aphakic Visual Rehabilitation
28-04-19 0900-1000 Shazia Hall Basic and Advance Phacoemulsification Zia Ul Mazhry
28-04-19 1138-1145 Mirajan Hall Why should we target emmetropia in Pediatric cataract surgery Inam ul Haq Imran Azam Butt Mubashir Jalis
TIME: 3 hrs (9am- 12pm)
DATE: 26th April 2019
INSTRUCTORS: Prof Teyyeb Afghani
Dr Omar Durrani (UAE)
Prof Amer Yaqub
SYMPOSIUM [S001] : Surgical / Procedure Videos
26th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1500-1600
Chairman Mukhtar Ahmed
Co-chairman M Tayyab
Moderator : Atif Chohan
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1500-1507 RD with 4 quadrant break Amir Arain
2 1508-1515 Lid laceration Repair Zia Mazhry
3 1516-1523 Nightmare in Phaco Naqaish Sadiq
4 1524-1531 Tackling a dense subluxated cataract using Zia Mazhry
Iris hooks, tension ring and needle assisted
haptic externalization.
5 1532-1539 Foldable capsular vitreous body Hussain Khaqan
6 1540-1547 Phacoemulsification in a challenging case M Tayyab
7 1548-1555 Triple procedure Mir Ali Shah
8 1555-1600 DALK; an alternative to PKP in keratoconus Abdul Moqeet
SYMPOSIUM: [S002]: Medical Retina
26th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1500-1600
Chairman: Shahid Jamal Siddique
Co Chairman: Rashad Qamar
Moderator : Shakaib Anwar
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1500-1507 Treatment of DME with anti-VEGF Irfan Qayyum
2 1508-1515 A new classification of DME Mustafa Iqbal
3 1516-1523 Management of uveal effusion syndrome Tariq Khan
4 1524-1531 What if DME fails to respond Rashad Qamar
5 1532-1539 Cataract surgery in DME patients Usman Mahmood
6 1539-1546 Management of DME with Anti-VEGF Shahid Jamal
7 1546-1553 Burden of retinal diseases in Pakistan Tariq Aziz
8 1553-1600 Audience interaction
IC 1: [S003]: FFA
26th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1500-1600
Moderator : Kashif Jahangir
S No Time Topic Facilitator
1 Introduction to FFA
2 Fluorscence
3 Side effects and management Kashif Jahangir
4 Procedure (Phases)
5 Interpretation
6 Case discussion
IC 2: [S004]: Squint
26th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1500-1600
Moderator : Mubasher Jalis
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1500-1520 Squint evaluation FFH Team
2 1520-1527 Patterns in squint Sana Nadeem
3 1528-1535 Management of vertical squints Khalid Shoaib
4 1536-1543 Adjustable sutures in Children Mubashir Jalis
5 15441551 Simplified approach to horizontal Zia Mazhry
deviation management
6 1552-1600 Tips on squint management Imran Akram Sahaf
PD 1 [S005] : Cornea [DALK] & [DMEC]
26th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1600 - 1700
Chairman Anwar Khan
Co-chairman Intisar Rana
Moderator Abdul Muqeet
S No Time Topic Panelists
1 1600-1630 Big Bubble Technique (Anwar Khan) Anwar Khan (SA)
Rony Sayegh (UAE)
Wajid Ali Khan
2. 1630-1700 Introduction to DMEK (Rony Intisar Rana
Sayegh) Mehfooz Hussain
Abdul Muqeet
SYMPOSIUM [S006]: Paed Ophth 1
26th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1600 - 1700
Chairman Zia Muhammad
Co-chairman Khalid Shoaib
Moderator Rabia Chaudhry
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1600-1607 Presentation: management of Khalid Shoaib
advanced congenital glaucoma
2 1608-1615 Aphakic glaucoma after cataract Zia Muhammad
3 1616-1623 Paediatric ectopia lentis etiology and Ajmal Chaudhry
4 1624-1631 Red reflex screening in infants Asad Ali
5 1632-1639 Malignant pediatric orbital tumors Rabia Chaudhry
6 1640-1655 Understanding fusion Usman Mahmood (UK)
7 1655-1700 Q & A
MEDICAL EDUCATION [S007]: Teachers Training Program
26th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1600-1800
Chairman: M Daud Khan
Co-chairman: Nadeem Hafeez Butt
Moderator : M Moin
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1600-1615 Emotional Intelligence Shakaib Anwar
2 1615-1630 Teaching in Clinic Imran Basit
3 1630-1645 Adult Learning Principles Nadeem Hafeez Butt
4 1645-1700 Teaching Professionalism M Daud Khan
5 1700-1715 Publishing Research M Moin
6 1715-1730 Curriculum Development 1-3 Hamid M Butt
7 1730-1745 Curriculum Development 4-6 Hamid M Butt
8 1745-1800 Program Evaluation M Moin
IC 3 [S008] : ABC of Ref Surgery
26th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1600 - 1700
Moderator Sadia Humayun
S No Time Topic Instructors
1 1600-1610 History and examination Aisha Fawad
2 1610-1620 Corneal topography and tomography Sadia Humayun
3 1620-1630 Aberrometry Mazhar Ishaq
4 1630-1640 Assessment and calculation Sadia Humayun
5 1640-1650 Per-op and post-op complications Mazhar Ishaq
6 1650-1700 Audience interaction
Panel Discussion 2 [S009]: Cataract
26th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1700-1800
Moderator Majeed Malik
S No Time Topic Panelists
1 Panel Discussion Aqil Qazi
Zia Mazhry
Mazhar Ishaq
Amir Israr
Shareef Hashmani
Afzal Naz
IC 4 [S010]: Anti VEGF “Drafting our own Methodology”
26th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1700-1800
Moderator Shahzad Saeed
S Time Topic Speaker
1 1700-1705 Team Selection Shahzad Saeed
2 1705-1710 Pre-Injection formalities Huma Saigol
3 1710-1720 The Ds: Dose, dozing and doubling Shahzad Saeed
4 1720-1730 The Ss: Site, size, schedule and scheme Huma Saigol
5 1730-1735 After the storm Shahzad Saeed
6 1735-1800 The Ts: Tips Tricks and Totkaas The Audience
IC 5 [S011] : Facial Palsy
26th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1700-1800
Moderator Amer Yaqub
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1700-1710 Introduction: Facial musculature and Amer Ya q u b
facial nerve anatomy
2 1710-1720 Etiology and pathophysiology Rashad Qamar
3 1720-1730 Clinical examination and investigations Zahid Kamal
4 1730-1740 Medical management Muhammad Moin
5 1740-1750 Surgical options for acute facial palsy Omar Durrani
6 1750-1800 Gold weight implant and other options TBC
for chronic facial palsy
26th APRIL 2019
1800-1900 HOURS
27th APRIL 2019
Plenary Session [S012] : OREF
27th April 2019
Shazia Hall 0900-1000
Chairman Daud Khan
Co-chairman Shahid Wahab
Moderator Mehfooz Hussain
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 0900-0915 Ophthalmic registry system Mehfooz Hussain
2 0915-0930 Differentiating true from pseudo disk Usman Mahmood
swelling (UK)
3 0930-0945 Implementation of ICO OSCAR Hamid Mehmood
phacoemulsification training rubrics
4 0945-1000 Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Khalid Ta l p u r
Program By S.I.O.V.S
IC 6 [S013] : Ocular Surface Disease
27 April 2019
Kashmir Hall 0900-1000
Moderator Sameera Irfan
S No Time Topic Facilitator
1 What is “Ocular Surface”
2 Common immune mediated disorders
• Allergic conjunctivitis
Sameera Irfan
• Dry Eyes
• Post Adenoviral Keratitis
IC 7 [S014] : ILM Peel
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 0900-1000
Moderator Asfandyar Asghar
S No Time Topic Facilitator
1 0900-1000 ILM peel in vitreo-macular interface Fawad Rizvi
PGA 1 [S015] : Diagnostics in Glaucoma
27th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 0900-1045
Chairman Afzal Bodla
Co-chairman James Bacon
Moderator Ayesha Shakeel
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 0900-0915 Structural and Functional Diagnosis of James Bacon
2 0915-0930 Portable Perimetry Yousuf Jamal
3 0930-0945 Van Herrick Method of angle Assessment Afzal Bodla
4 0945-1000 Role of IOP in Glaucoma P S Mahr
5 1000-1030 Assessment of Optic Disc in glaucoma Rashid Zia (UK)
6 1030-1045 Question and Answers
PANEL DISCUSSION 3 [S016]: Surgical Retina
27th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1000-1130
Chairman Imran Ghayoor
Co-chairman Mir Ali Shah
Moderator Amir Awan
S No Time Topic Panelists
Mazhar Ishaq
1 1000-1015 Retinal Detachment
Tariq Khan
Fawad Rizvi
2 1015-1030 Diabetic Vitreous Haemorrhage
Nadeem Qureshi
Mir Ali Shah
3 1030-1045 Endophthalmitis Azam Ali
Hussain Khaqaan
4 1045-1100 Coats Disease Waqar Muzaffar
Kashif Iqbal
5 1100-1115 Myopic Foveoschisis
6 1115-1130 Audience queries
SYMPOSIUM [S017] : Orbit
27th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1000-1130
Chairman Ibrar Hussain
Co-chairman Zahid Kamal
Moderator Omar Durrani
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1000-1010 Introduction to Medical Treatment of Amer Ya q u b
Orbital Tumors
2 1010-1020 Intra-arterial chemotherapy for Muhammad Moin
3 1020-1035 Vascular tumors of the orbit Omar Durrani (UAE)
4 1035-1045 Orbital Lymphoma Zahid Kamal
5 1045-1055 Chemotherapy of Rhabdomyosarcoma Ibrar Hussain
6 1055-1105 Medical treatment of BCC Khalid Shoaib
7 1105-1115 Metastatic Orbital Tumors Rao Rashad Qamar
8 1115-1125 Solitary Fibrous tumour Nausheen Hayat
9 1125-1130 Q & A
IC 8 [S018] : Cataract
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1000-1100
Moderator Khalid Masood Ashraf
S No Time Topic Instructors
1 How to tackle difficult cataract cases Zia Ul Mazhry
Majeed Malik
Women In Ophthalmology Pakistan
IC 9 [S019] Endopthalmitis [Fast & Furious]
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1100-1200
Chairman Lateef Chaudhry
Co-Chairman Huma Saigol
Moderator Sorath Norani
S No Time Topic Panelists
1 1100-1110 Diagnosis of Endopthalmitis Shadab Hassan
2 1110-1130 Medical treatment of endophthalmitis; Sofia Iqbal
Vitreous tap and Intravit treatment stratagy
3 1130-1150 Role of vitrectomy in endophthalmitis; Huma Saigol
When and How
4 1150-1200 Discussion
PGA 2 [S020] : Challenges in Glaucoma
27th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1100-1245
Chairman P S Mahar
Co-chairman Rashid Zia
Moderator Naqaish Sadiq
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1100-1115 Neovascular Glaucoma Dr James Bacon
2 1115-1130 Steroid Induced Glaucoma and Cataract Nadeem Hafeez
3 1130-1145 ALT Vs SLT P S Mahar
4 1145-1200 Uveitic Glaucoma Ayisha Shakeel
5 1200-1230 Plateau Iris Syndrome Rashid Zia (UK)
1230-1245 Question and Answers
Panel Discussion 4 [S021]: Refractive Surgery
27th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1130-1300
Chairman Shareef Hashmani
Co-chairman Qasim Lateef
Moderator Atif Chohan
S No Time Topic Panelists
* 5 Minute presentation followed by 7 minutes panel discussion
1 1130-1142 LASIK Flap Complications Mazhar Ishaq
2 1142-1154 Fluid interface syndrome Sadia Humayun
3 1154-1206 Re-treatment after PRK Atif Chohan
4 1206-1218 LASIK Flap complications Qasim Lateef
5 1218-1230 To p o-guided LASIK Shareef Hashmani
6 1230-1238 Pre-docking epithelial abrasion during Shahzad Iftikhar
7 1238-1250 Management of epithelial ingrowth Munira Shakir
8 1250-1300 Audience queries
SYMPOSIUM [S022] : Uveitis
27th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1130-1300
Chairman Shafi M Jatoi
Co-chairman Javed Chaudhry
Moderator Naveed Qureshi
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1130-1145 Managing paediatric uveitis in a Usman Mahmood
university hospital (UK)
2 1145-1200 Endpoints for uveitis including Alastair Denniston
EQUATOR Network (UK)
3 1200-1215 Pearls for treating difficult uveitis cases Noman Nazir
4 1215-1230 Assessment and investigation of uveitis Alastair Denniston
5 1230-1245 Diagnosing ocular genetic conditions Usman Mahmood
6 1245-1300 Diagnosis of free living amoeba Pablo Goldschmidt
infections (France)
IC 10 [S023] : Non-Penetrating Keratoplasty
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1200-1300
Moderator Mehfooz Hussain
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1200-1240 Non-Penetrating Keratoplasty Mehfooz Hussain
Inayat Ullah Khan
2 1240-1250 Keratoplasty with triple procedure Mir Ali Shah
3 1250-1300 Outcome of tectonic corneal graft in Shadab Hassan
Saturday 27th April, 2019
1300 – 1400 Hrs
Lunch (Chinar Hall)
Panel Discussion 5 [S024] : Retinoblastoma
27th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1400 - 1530
Chairman Imran Akram Sahaf
Co-chairman Fawad Rizvi
Moderator Sorath Norani
S No Time Topic Panelists
1 1400-1408 Grouping of retinoblastoma Khalid Shoaib
2 1408-1416 Indications and technique of focal Fawad Rizvi
3 1416-1424 Indications and role of intra-arterial Hussain Khaqan
4 1424-1432 Metastatic workup in retinoblastoma Nuzhat Yasmeen
5 1432-1445 Discussion
6 1445-1530 National Guidelines of retinoblastoma Zia Ul Islam
Imran Akram Sahaf
Fawad Rizvi
Sorath Norani
Khalid Shoaib
Hussain Khaqaan
Haleema Saeed
Nuzhat Yasmeen
SYMPOSIUM [S025] : Diagnostics
27th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1400-1530
Chairman Shad Muhammad
Co-chairman Mustafa Iqbal
Moderator Syed Abdullah
S No Time Topic
1 1400-1410 Ultra Wide Field Photography Mustafa Iqbal
2 1410-1430 OCT on tour; the value of mobile flex Xiaoxuan Liu (UK)
3 1430-1440 Interpretation of digital Hess Test Zia Ul Mazhry
4 1440-1450 Different patterns of vein occlusions on Sidrah Riaz
FFA fluorescein funds angiography
5 1450-1500 Assessment of sub retinal fluid using Sharjeel Sultan
OCT after surgery of macula-off RRD
6 1500-1510 OCT Angiography Asfandyar Asghar
7 1510-1520 Portable perimetry Yousaf Jamal Mehsood
8 1520-1530 Audience interaction
IC 11 [S026]: Amniotic Membrane
27th April 2019
Marajan Hall 1400 - 1500
Moderator Abid Naqvi
S Time Topic Facilitators
1 1400-1410 Introduction , Rationale & Uses Syed Abid Naqvi
2 1410-1420 Harvesting , Preparation & Preservation Shahid Tarar
3 1420-1430 Demonstration Muhammad Awais
4 1430-1500 Hands on Training
PGA 3 [S027] : Surgical Management of Glaucoma
27th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1400-1500
Chairman Mazhar Qayyum
Co-chairman Naqaish Sadiq
Moderator Mahmood Ali
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1400-1410 Failed Bleb and its Management P S Mahar
2 1410-1420 Laser Suturelysis in Trab Naqaish Sadiq
3 1420-1430 Modified trabeculectomy, Preliminary results Nasir Saeed
4 1430-1240 First Baerveldt Tube Surgery in Pakistan Ayisha Shakeel
5 1440-1450 Cyclo G6 Micropulse cyclodiode Mahmood Ali
6. 1450-1500 Questions and Answers
Panel Discussion 6 [S028]: Orbit & Oculoplastics
27th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1530-1700
Chairman Zia Ul Islam
Co-Chairman Tayyab Afghani
Moderator Amer Yaqub
S No Time Topic Participants
5 min Presentation followed by 10 min discussion
1 1530-1545 TBC Zahid Kamal
2 1545-1600 TBC Omar Durrani (UAE)
3 1600-1615 TBC M Moin
4 1615-1630 TBC Ibrar Hussain
5 1630-1645 TBC Tayyab Afghani
6 1645-1700 Dry eye or ocular neuropathic pain Rony Sayegh (UAE)
SYMPOSIUM [S029] : Cataract “All You Need to Know”
27th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1530 - 1700
Chairman Ejaz Latif
Co-Chairman Saeed Iqbal
Moderator Irfan Qayyum Malik
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1530-1537 Tips for the Management of Posterior Polar Irfan Qayyum
2 1538-1545 Phacomulsification in senile white mature Ambreen Gul
cataracts; its safety and efficacy
3 1546-1553 Replacement of IOLs; When & Why Majeed Malik
4 1554-1604 Vitrectomy for complicated cataract surgery Usman
Mahmood (UAE)
5 1605-1611 Present and future of refractive IOLs Khalid Ta l p u r
SYMPOSIUM [S029] : Cataract “All You Need to Know”
27th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1530 - 1700
S No Time Topic Speaker
6 1612-1619 Monofocal vs Multifocal IOLs. Saeed Iqbal
7 1620-1630 Molecular diagnosis of endopthalmitis Pablo Goldschmidt
8 1631-1638 Psychophysics of Neuroadaptation and Zia Ul Mazhry
its relationship with Aphakic Visual
9 1639-1649 Post RK Phaco; Pits and falls Usman Mahmood
10 1650-1700 Changing trends in cataract surgery Azam Ali
IC 12 [S030] : Corneal Topography
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1500-1600
Moderator Sadia Humayun
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1500-1520 Pentacam Nauman Hashmani
2 1520-1540 Galelli Sadia Humayun
3 1540-1600 Audience queries
PGA 4 [S031] : Glaucoma Overview
27th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1500-1630
Chairman Nasir Saeed
Co-chairman Imtiaz Ali
Moderator Yousaf Jamal
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1500-1515 Role of PGA- Future Vision Daud Khan
2 Glaucoma Through the eyes of the James Bacon (UAE)
3 1530-1545 OCT- Past, present and future Syed Imtiaz Ali
4 RNFL damage in pre-perimetric Afzal Bodla
5 1600-1615 Small Incision Trab Naqaish Sadiq
6 1615-1630 Titrable IOP Lowering Mazhar Qayyum
IC 13 [S032] : Artificial Intelligence
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1600-1700
Moderator Hina Khan
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1600-1610 Albasr ; Use of artificial intelligence Noman Nazir
2 1610-1640 Artificial intelligence Alastair Denniston (UK)
Xiaoxuan Liu (UK)
3 1640-1700 Discussion
Panel Discussion 7 [S033] : BBS Retinopathy
27th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1700 - 1800
Chairman Tariq Aziz
Co-chairman Azam Ali
Moderator Waqar Muzaffar
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1700-1730 OCT Grading and classification of BBS Hina Khan
Retinopathy Alastair Denniston
2 1730-1800 Panel Discussion Panelists
Mehfooz Hussain
Amjad Akram
Khalid Ta l p u r
Shakaib Anwar
SEMINAR [S034] : Corneal Banking
27th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1700 - 1800
Chairman Asad Aslam
Co-Chairman Qazi Wasiq
Moderator Wajid Ali Khan
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1700-1710 Pakistan Eye Banking Network Wajid Ali Khan
2 1710-1720 Religious aspects of eye donation Mazhar Qayyum
3 1720-1730 Hospital based corneal recovery program Collin Ross
4 1730-1740 Review of fungal infection and options to Erik A Hellier
reduce contamination
5 1740-1745 Update on Lahore Eye Bank Asad Aslam
6 1745-1750 Update on Karachi Eye Bank Qazi Wasiq
7 1750-1755 Update on Peshawar Eye Bank Mehfooz Hussain
8 1755-1800 Update on Rawalpindi / Islamabad Eye Bank Umar
IC 14 [S035] : Research in Oculoplastics
27th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1700-1800
Chairman: Hamid Butt
Co-chairman Sameera Irfan
Moderator : Waqar Ahmed
S No Time Topic Speaker
Research in Oculoplastics
1 1700-1710 Study Protocols Ibrar Hussain
2 1710-1720 Normal Interpupillary, Inner Canthal Nausheen Hayat
Distance and Outer Canthal distance in a
normal population of Pakistan
3 1720-1730 How to perform exophthalmometry Khalid Shoaib
4 1730-1740 Preliminary results Tayyab Afghani
5 1740-1750 Future studies M Moin
6 1750-1800 Discussion
Panel Discussion 8 [S036]
Medical Management of Glaucoma
27th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1630 - 1800
Moderator Nadeem Hafeez Butt
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 Scenarios James Bacon (UAE)
P S Mahar
Nasir Saeed
Rashid Zia (UK)
Afzal Bodla
Naqaish Sadiq
Central Council Meeting
(Taipan Hall)
1800 Hours
President: Nadeem Hafeez Butt
Executive Vice President: Amer Yaqub
General Secretary: Javed Chaudhry
28th APRIL 2019
IC 15 [S037] : Basic and Advance Phacoemulsification
28th April 2019
Shazia Hall 0900-1000
Moderator Zia Ul Mazhry
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 0900-1000 Basic & Advance phacoemulsification Zia Ul Mazhry
IC16 [S038]: LASIK
28th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 0900-1000
Moderator Shahzad Iftikhar
S No Time Topic Facilitator
1 0900-0910 Patient selection Omar Zafar
2 0910-0920 Combined corneal topography and Omar Zafar
biomechanical index in LASIK Screening
3 0920-0930 Comparative analysis of Conventional vs Saeed Iqbal
4 0930-0940 Zeba Matin
Epithelial ingrowth in LASIK
5 0940-0950 Partial PRK in Keratoconus Omar Zafar
Medical Edu [S039]: LDP Project Presentation
28th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 0900-1000
Moderator Daud Khan
Nadeem Hafeez Butt
M Moin
SYMPOSIUM [S040] : YO Forum 1 (UG)
28th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 0900-1000
Judges Kamal Akbar Hamid Butt
Moderator Imran Basit Imtiaz Ali Mazhar Ul Haq
Ashok Kumar Afzal Naz
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 0900-0905 Visual function tests for screening DR Faryal Ahmed
2 0906-0911 Association of hypertension with diabetic Abdullah Nasir
3 0912-0917 Myopia Hajra Omar
4 0918-0923 Immediate effect of IVA on IOP Rabeeah Zafar
5 0924-0929 TBC Usman
6 0930-0935 Accuracy of mobile applications with Snellen chart Rehan Naqaish
7 0936-0941 Workup for refractive surgery Aiza Mazhar
8 0942-0947 TBC Sania (PIMS)
9 0947-0952 The Comfort Paradox Faarea Haroon
10 0952-0957 Awareness of DR in diabetes patients Abu Sufyan
Symposium[S041] : Surgical Retina
28th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1000-1130
Chairman Tariq Khan
Co-chairman Sana Ullah Jan
Moderator Waqar Muzaffar
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1000-1007 My Initial Experience With Suprachoroidal Zaheer Qureshi
2 1008-1015 Small gauge PPV for managing Diabetic Kashif Iqbal
3 1016-1023 PPC for IOFB Hussain Khaqan
4 1024-1031 Evaluation od RD and choice of surgery Mustafa Iqbal
5 1032-1039 Traumatic GRT Repair Usman
Mahmood (UAE)
6 1040-1047 Flattening of retina under oil Tariq Khan
7 1048-1055 Sutureless PPV in endophthalmitis Amir Arain
8 1056-1103 Inverted flap for large macular holes Qasim Lateef
Symposium[S041] : Surgical Retina
28th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1000-1130
S No Time Topic Speaker
9 1104-1111 Innovative ideas and instruments for Hussain
retinal surgery Khaqaan
10 1112-1119 Pars plana vitrectomy with or without IVA Amber Gul
as a pretreatment in diabetic vitreous
hemorrhage and TRD
11 1120-1127 Management of war on terror injuries Asfandyar
PVR RD; How can we improve the Amir Awan
IC 17 [S042] : Endoscopic DCR
28th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1000-1130
Moderator Shahid Tarar
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1000-1020 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Maqbool Raza
and orbit
2 1020-1035 Steps of Procedure Syed Abid Naqvi
3 1035-1050 Difference between Conventional & Shahid Tarrar
Transcanalicular Diode Laser DCR
4 1050-1100 Demonstration Muhammad Awais
5 1100-1130 Hands on Training
Symposium [S043] : Experts Forum 1
28th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1000 - 1130
Chairman Abdul Qayyum
Co-chairman Munira Shakir
Moderator Faud Niazi
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1000-1007 Post traumatic primary repair of levator Shahid Tarar
2 1008-1015 Different techniques of pterygium surgery for Irfan Qayyum
recurrence prevention
3 1016-1023 Pterygium Excision using Pre OP injection of Zia Mazhry
MMC (Video)
4 1024-1031 Unusual case presentation of bilateral Tehmina Nazeer
acute congestive glaucoma
5 1032-1039 Pterygium excision with MMC; with & without Naila Obaid
pre-op Avastin
6 1040-1047 Traumatic superior oblique palsy Tayyaba Burhan
Symposium [S043] : Experts Forum 1
28th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1000 - 1130
S No Time Topic Speaker
7 1048-1055 Choroidal Osteoma Sarah Zafar
8 1056-1103 Management of malignant eyelid tumours M Idris
9 1104-1111 Comparison of two mucle uniocular and two Sidra Naseem
muscle binocular recession in large angle
10 1112-1119 Postoperative complications of levator M Idris
resection in congenitalblephroptosis with poor
levator function
11 1120-1130 Audience interaction
Symposium [S044] : YO Forum 2 (PG)
28th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1000 - 1130
Judges Kamal Akbar Shahid Wahab
Moderator: Saqib Naeem Tayyab Afghani Mehfooz Hussain
Rashad Qamar Afzal Naz
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1000-1005 Management of ptosis in children Nida Shamim
2 1006-1011 Findings of OCTA in patients of PDR & Rayyan Zakir
comparison with FFA
3 1012-1017 IVR in the management of CSCR Kamran Shahzad
4 1018-1023 OCTA analysis of perifoveal capillary arcade in Nida Wajid
5 1024-1029 Outcome of 27 gauge needle assisted modified Javeria Muid
sutureless scleral fixation of PC IOL.
6 1030-1035 Bilateral complete cryptophthalmos and its Mehak Fatima
surgical lid reconstruction
7 1036-1041 Pellet gun injuries on festive occasions Farah Huma
8 1042-1047 Role of Nepafenac 0.1% in preventing Sairam Ahmed
intraoperative miosis
Judges Kamal Akbar Shahid Wahab
Moderator: Saqib Naeem Tayyab Afghani Mehfooz Hussain
Rashad Qamar
S No Time Topic Speaker
9 1048-1053 Management of TRD with vertical scissor Qurat ul Ain
10 1054-1059 Orbital maggots infestation and its management Ayesha Parvaiz
11 1100-1105 TBC FFH
12 1106-1111 Success rate of 25 gauge PPV in RRD Fiza Shaheen
13 1112-1117 TBC FFH
14 1118-1123 Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in Aqdus Haq
the babies born at Shifa Int Hospital
15 1124-1129 Necrotizing retinitis after IVT Ammarah Ashraf
16 WL OCTA; An overview Nida Armoghan
Judges Kamal Akbar Shahid Wahab
Moderator: Saqib Naeem Tayyab Afghani Mehfooz Hussain
Rashad Qamar
S No Time Topic Speaker
17 WL Intra-arterial Chemotherapy for Husnain Muhammad
retinoblastoma Baksh
18 WL Removal of IOFB with vertical scissors Fatima Jabeen
19 WL
Plenary Session [S045]: Experts Forum 2
28th April 2019
Shazia Hall 1130 - 1230
Chairman Mehmood Saeed
Co-chairman Khan Muhammad Nangrejo
Moderator Arif Khan
S No Time Topic Instructors
1 1130-1140 Breaking News about DR & DME Azam Ali
2 1140-1150 Chlamydia, poverty, trachoma and Pablo Goldschmidt
blindness (France)
3 1150-1200 Ultimate treatment of dry eyes Mehmood Saeed
4 1200-1210 Endo-resection of choroidal haemangioma Hussain Khaqaan
5 1210-1220 Preference and trends in management of Amir Awan
1220-1230 Audience Interaction
Symposium: [S046] : Cornea
28th April 2019
Kashmir Hall 1130-1230
Chairman Wajid Ali Khan
Co-chairman Omar Zafar
Moderator Saif Ullah Tareen
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1130-1137 CXL and it’s various modalities. Saeed Iqbal
2 1138-1148 Consensus for the management of corneal Pablo Goldschmidt
ulcers (France)
3 1149-1159 An overview of kerato-prosthesis Rony Sayegh (UAE)
4 1200-1207 ICRS plus CXL in keratoconus Omar Zafar
5 1207-1214 Current trends in the Management of Khalid Shoaib
1215-1223 ICRS for keratconus with manual technique Abdul Moqeet
6 1224-1230 Clinical outcomes following Accelerated Saeed Iqbal
Trans-epithelial CXL in Progressive
SYMPOSIUM [S047] : Paed Ophth
28th April 2019
Mirajan Hall 1130-1230
Chairman Imran Azam Butt
Co-chairman Mubashir Jalis
Moderator Inam ul Haq
S No Time Topic Speaker
1 1130-1137 Update on pediatric cataract surgery Majeed Malik
2 1138-1145 Why should we target emmetropia in Zia Ul Mazhry
Pediatric cataract surgery
3 1146-1153 Lymphangioma Ayesha Khalid
4 1154-1201 Management of Ocular Myasthenia in Sameera Irfan
5 1202-1209 Refractive errors in children Mubashir Jalis
6 1210-1217 Final visual outcome of open globe Ambreen Gul
injuries in paediatric patients
7 1218-1230 Audience Interaction
28th April 2019
Bhurban Hall 1130 - 1230
Moderator Zahid Kamal
S No Time Topic Instructors
1 1130-1230 TOACS Examination Ali Raza
Tayyab Afghani
Javed Chaudhry
Zahid Kamal
Rao Rashad Qamar
Amjad Akram
* For post-graduate students
1230 Hrs