آنکھوں کے سامنے واضح، گول شیشے کا گنبد، جو نظر کا احاطہ کرتا ہے - اس کو قرنیہ کا نام دیا جاتا ہے. یہ آنکھوں کی حفاظت کے ساتھ اس کو نگاہ بھی دیتا ہے. قرنیہ کی خرابی بینائی پر نظر پر اثر انداز ہو سکتی ہے
قرنیہ آنکھوں کے باہر شفاف سیال کی ایک پرت ہے ، جو "ڈھال" اور عدسے کے طور پر کام کرتی ہے ، نیز آنکھ کے اندر ریٹنا کی سمت میں تصویر کو مرتکز کرتی ہے اور ریٹنا پر روشنی ڈالتی ہے۔گھر کے کام اور مختلف کھیل آنکھوں کی چوٹ کی سب سے عام وجوہات ہیں. پالتو جانوروں جیسے کتے یا بلی کے ساتھ کھیل کے دوران بھی آپ کی آ نکھ کو چوٹ یا خراش آ سکتی ہے. علامات فوراً پیدا ہوسکتی ہیں یا زخم کے چند گھنٹوں کے دوران شروع ہو سکتی ہیں۔ آپ خطرے کے عوامل کو کم کرکے اس بیماری کو محدود کرسکتے ہیں۔
آنکھ کی خراش کی علامات
.اگر آپ کی آنکھوں کا سفید حصہ خراش زدہ ہوتا ہے تو، آپ خون کی دھاری ، کھرچنے کی لکیر دیکھ سکتے ہیں
اچانک قرنیے کھرچنے کی بہت سی وجوہات ہیں۔ خارجی چیزیں جو آنکھ کے اندر اڑتی ہوئی لگ جاتی ہیں ، وہ قرنیہ کی خراش کی بنیادی وجہ ہیں۔ خارجی چیزیں جیسے دھول ، لمبی ریت کے ذرات پپوٹوں پر پھنس جاتے ہیں جب جھپکتے ہیں تو کارنیا کو نوچ سکتے ہیں۔ سگریٹ کا دھواں ، آنکھوں کا رگڑنا یا دھوپ کی روشنی براہ راست بھی قرنیے کی خرابی کا سبب بن سکتی ہے
:سکریچ زدہ آنکھ کا علاج کیسے کریں
Treatment of corneal abrasion
اگر آپ کو اپنی آنکھ میں رگڑ یا کھنچاؤ محسوس ہوتا ہے تو آئی سپیشلسٹ کو دکھایئں.۔
آنکھ کو ہرگز ہاتھ سے نہ ملیں بلکہ بند رکھیں.۔
صاف پانی سے آنکھ کو دھو سکتے ہیں۔
نرمی سے آنکھ جھپکا مٹی اور ریت کے ذرات سے نجات حاصل کرنے میں مدد کر سکتا ہے۔
آپ اپنی عینک پہن سکتے ہیں. تا ہم کنٹیکٹ لینز ہرگز نہیں پہننے چاہیے۔
اگر تکلیف زیادہ محسوس ہو رہی ہو تو فوراً ماہرین امراض چشم کو دکھایا جانا ضروری ہے۔
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The Academy is sharing important ophthalmology-specific information related to the new coronavirus, referred to as "2019-nCoV," or simply the "Wuhan coronavirus." It is critical that all within our professionals understand the risks associated with this outbreak to ensure our continued ability to care for our patients.
What you need to know
What you need to know
Anecdotal reports suggest the virus can cause conjunctivitis and possibly be transmitted by aerosol contact with the conjunctiva.
Patients who present to ophthalmologists for conjunctivitis who also have respiratory symptoms and who have recently traveled internationally, and certainly those recently in China or with family members recently back from China, could represent cases of 2019-nCoV.
The Academy and federal officials recommend protection for the mouth, nose, and eyes when caring for patients potentially infected with 2019-nCoV.
Coronavirus causes respiratory infection
The 2019-nCoV virus causes severe respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Although the virus appears not quite as likely to cause fatalities as the SARS coronavirus or MERS coronavirus, a significant number of fatalities have already occurred. There have been worldwide reports of infections, including several in the U.S. At the time of this message, U.S. health officials report five domestic cases and are testing patient samples from 26 states. Patients present with respiratory illness, including fever, cough, shortness of breath and conjunctivitis. Severe complications include pneumonia. These can appear as soon as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure. Among the newly published literature on coronavirus is a paper in the Lancet suggesting patients may be infectious to others even before they experience symptoms of infection. The virus appears to be spread via respiratory droplets. It also could be spread if people touch an object with the virus and then touch their mouths, noses or eyes. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said that the reported cases are likely to skew to more severe infections and the mortality rate could drop over time. Federal officials are also trying to determine if there is an asymptomatic transmission, which China has reported.
Ophthalmology ties
Because anecdotal reports suggest the virus can also cause conjunctivitis, it is possible that it is transmitted by aerosol contact with the conjunctiva. While conjunctivitis is an uncommon event as it relates to 2019-nCoV, other forms of conjunctivitis are common. Affected patients frequently present to eye clinics or emergency departments. That increases the likelihood ophthalmologists may be the first providers to evaluate patients possibly infected with 2019-nCoV. Therefore protecting your mouth, nose (e.g., an N-95 mask) or eyes (e.g., goggles or shield) is recommended for health care providers caring for patients potentially infected with 2019-nCoV.
Steps you should take It is recommended that you evaluate your patients for the following factors to identify possible exposure to 2019-nCoV:
Does your patient present for conjunctivitis?
Does your patient also have respiratory symptoms?
Has your patient recently traveled internationally?
Does their international travel include a recent trip to China or with family members recently back from China?
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is urging health care providers who encounter patients meeting these criteria to immediately notify both infection control personnel at your health care facility and your local or state health department for further investigation of 2019-nCoV. CDC 2019-nCoV Resources
About Eye Health Education By Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan:
Welcome to the Education Portal of Acuity Eye Centre Lahore Pakistan. We are committed to serving our patients and our community, to the development and propagation of new concepts to preserve and enhance vision. Our three missions—clinical service, education, and research—are closely interrelated. Visit:https://eyeacuity.com/education/
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Eye cancer is a general term used to describe many types of tumors that can start in various parts of the eye. It occurs when healthy cells in or around the eye change and grow uncontrollably, forming a mass called a tumor. A tumor can be benign or cancerous. A benign tumor means the tumor can grow but will not spread. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. Cancer that forms in the eyeball is called an intraocular (inside the eye) malignancy.
Eye Cancer - overviews
Parts of the eye
The eye is the organ that collects light and sends messages to the brain to form a picture. The three main parts of the eye are:
Orbit (eye socket)
Adnexal (accessory) structures, such as the eyelid and tear glands
The outer part of the eye is made up of the sclera, retina, and uvea. The sclera is the outer wall of the eyeball. The retina is a thin-layered structure that lines the eyeball and sends information from the eye to the brain. The uvea nourishes the eye. Both the retina and the uvea contain blood vessels.
The uvea consists of the following:
Iris: The colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light entering the eye
Ciliary body: Muscular tissue that produces the watery fluid in the eye and helps the eye focus
Choroid: The layer of tissue underneath the retina that contains connective tissue and melanocytes, which are pigmented (colored) cells, and nourishes the inside of the eye. The choroid is the most common site for a tumor.
Types of intraocular cancer
Types of intraocular cancer
The most common intraocular cancer in adults is uveal metastases, which is cancer that has spread to the uvea from another place in the body. This is called secondary cancer. This guide is about primary intraocular cancer, meaning that the tumor started in the eye, not somewhere else in the body.
Melanoma is the most common type of primary intraocular cancer in adults. It begins when cells called melanocytes to grow uncontrollably. Intraocular melanoma is also called uveal melanoma.
Other, less common types of an intraocular tumor include:
Intraocular lymphoma is a lymphoma that begins in the eyeball. This condition is rare and can be difficult for doctors to diagnose. Many doctors consider Intraocular lymphoma to be a type of central nervous system lymphoma. Most intraocular lymphomas are non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Hemangioma is a benign tumor of the choroid and retina that starts in the blood vessels.
Other, rare cancers of the eye include:
Conjunctival melanoma is a tumor of the conjunctiva, which is a membrane that lines the eyelid and eyeball. If it is not treated, it can spread to the lymph nodes, which are tiny, bean-shaped organs located throughout the body that fight disease. A conjunctival melanoma tends to recur (come back after treatment) on the eye’s surface and looks like dark spots on the eye. Doctors often perform a biopsy on a spot that appears to be conjunctival melanoma. A biopsy is the removal of a sample of the tissue for examination under a microscope.
Eyelid carcinoma(basal or squamous cell) is a variation of skin cancer. This tumor may be surgically removed and is usually not dangerous if it is treated early.
Lacrimal gland tumor is a benign or malignant tumor of the glands that produce tears.
Facts About Retinoblastoma
Facts About Retinoblastoma
What is retinoblastoma?
Retinoblastoma is a type of cancer that forms in the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye).
Signs and Symptoms of Retinoblastoma
Signs and Symptoms of Retinoblastoma
A pupil that looks white or black instead of red when light hits it.
A crossed eye (looking either toward the nose or toward the ear)
Poor vision.
A red, painful eye.
An enlarged pupil.
Who is at risk for retinoblastoma?
The disease usually occurs in children younger than 5 years and maybe in one eye or in both eyes. In some cases, the disease is inherited from a parent.
Treatment of Retinoblastoma
How is retinoblastoma treated?
Retinoblastoma is a serious, life-threatening disease. However, with early diagnosis and timely treatment, in most cases, a child’s eyesight and life can be saved.
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Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, which transmits visual information from the retina to the brain. Typically, the disease progresses slowly, gradually destroying peripheral vision. Because people are unaware of early peripheral vision loss, a patient can lose most of it before they even know they have glaucoma.
گلوکوما آپٹک نرو کو نقصان پہنچاتا ہے ، جو بصری معلومات کو ریٹنا سے دماغ تک منتقل کرتا ہے۔ عام طور پر یہ بیماری آہستہ آہستہ بڑھتی ہے ، آہستہ آہستہ احاطہ نظر کو ختم کرتی ہے۔ کیونکہ لوگ ابتدائی مرحلے میں نظر کے ضائع ہونے سے بے خبرہوتے ہیں ، اس سے پہلے کہ مریض کو یہ معلوم ہوجائے کہ انہیں گلوکوما ہے کافی حد تک نظر جا چکی ہوتی ہے۔
Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness.
گلوکوما اندھے پن کی دوسری عام وجہ ہے۔
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss, affecting about 3 million people in the United States. Because there are no symptoms early on, about half of people with the disease don’t know they have it. Once a vision is lost to glaucoma, it can’t be regained.
Formation and drainage of eye fluids
Typically, There Are No Early Warning Signs
What makes glaucoma so scary is that it often becomes a problem so suddenly. Most people don’t notice any warning signs or symptoms. However, with regular eye exams, we can check the pressure of your eye and monitor your risk.
Who’s Most At Risk For Glaucoma?
Though certain factors put you at a higher risk, it’s important for everyone to understand the risk factors. For example, glaucoma usually affects people in their middle age—and the elderly—but it can, and does, affect people within all age groups.
over age 40
of African, Asian or Hispanic heritage
who have high eye pressure detected during an eye exam
who are farsighted or nearsighted
who have experienced eye trauma or eye injury
whose corneas are thin in the center
or who have health problems such as diabetes, migraines, high blood pressure or poor blood circulation?
There’s no cure for glaucoma. However, when caught early, we can take steps to slow or halt vision loss. Often, treatments as simple as specialized eye drops that reduce the pressure building up inside of your eye can make a difference.
Risk of losing vision to glaucoma
Glaucoma vision loss
What you can do to reduce the risk of glaucoma damage?
These techniques work by lowering eye pressure to reduce the amount of fluid in the eye, and by increasing fluid outflow from the eye.
Exercise regularly. A study just published in Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, showed that people who engaged in physical activity can slow vision loss from glaucoma.
Meditate. A new study published last month in the Journal Glaucoma showed that a relaxation program with meditation can lower eye pressure in glaucoma patients and improve their quality of life by lowering stress hormones like cortisol.
Don’t use CBD as a “natural” glaucoma remedy. CBD, or cannabidiol, is the non-psychotropic component of cannabis and hemp being touted as a magical cure-all. A study published last month in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science shows it actually raised eye pressure in mice.
Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially green, leafy ones. One study showed that people who ate more leafy vegetables have a 20 to 30 percent lower risk of developing glaucoma. Why? Nitrates in green vegetables can be converted to nitric oxide, which can improve blood flow and help regulate pressure inside the eye.
Eye healthy food
Don’t smoke. Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of glaucoma and has an overall negative impact on eye health.
Maintain healthy body weight. People with a higher body mass index (BMI) are at increased risk for diabetes, and having diabetes puts people at risk of glaucoma. Having a too low BMI is also associated with increased glaucoma risk.
"Glaucoma is known as a silent killer of sight in English. Sariq un Nazar is the name given to it in Arabic, meaning thief of the sight. Patients are often surprised when their ophthalmologist tells them they have glaucoma because they don’t have symptoms. There is no need to be scared about the diagnosis as many modern treatments are able to prevent further loss in glaucoma. The good news is that today’s innovative treatments and surgical techniques are better than ever.” What matters is a timely diagnosis which may be accomplished by careful testing and investigations by a caring ophthalmologist.''
گلوکوما انگریزی میں نظر کا خاموش قاتل کے طور پر جانا جاتا ہے۔ عربی زبان میں اس کو دیا جانے والا نام سارق ان نذر ہے ، اس کا معنی ہے کہ نظر کا چور۔ مریضوں کو اکثر حیرت ہوتی ہے کہ جب ان کے ماہرامراض چشم نے انہیں بتایا کہ انہیں گلوکوما ہے جبکہ ان میں کوی علامات نہیں ہوتی ہیں۔ تشخیص کے بارے میں خوفزدہ ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے کیونکہ بہت سارے جدید علاج گلوکوما میں مزید نقصان کو روکنے کے قابل ہیں۔ خوشخبری یہ ہے کہ آج کے جدید تشخیصی علاج اور جراحی کی تکنیک پہلے سے کہیں بہتر ہیں۔ اہم بات اس کی بروقت تشخیص ہے جو احتیاطی جانچ اور تفتیش کے ذریعہ دیکھ بھال کرنے والے ماہر امراض چشم کے ذریعہ انجام پاتی ہے۔
About Eye Health Education By Acuity Eye Center Lahore Pakistan:
Welcome to the Education Portal of Acuity Eye Centre Lahore Pakistan. We are committed to serving our patients and our community, to the development and propagation of new concepts to preserve and enhance vision. Our three missions—clinical service, education, and research—are closely interrelated. Visit:https://eyeacuity.com/education/
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