Wednesday 13 December 2017

Dr Mazhry graduates-OSP-ICO Leadership Development Programme-Eye Health Education in Urdu

Eye Health Education in Urdu

LDP collage
Dr Mazhry Graduates-LDP collage

Dr Mazhry graduates-OSP-ICO Leadership Development Programme 2015-2017

The certificate was awarded by Professor Carl Golnik from USA and Professor Dawood Khan from Peshawar on completion of two years (LDP) OSP-ICO Leadership Development Programme 2015-2017.

Mazhry LDP Felloship
Mazhry LDP Felloship

It included didactic and interactive sessions with international and national faculty of International council of Ophthalmology London, American Academy of Ophthalmology(AAO) and Ophthalmological Society of Pakistan(OSP). Michael Brennon from AAO, Carl Golnik from ICO and Professor Dawood from OSP were the principle Anchor resource persons. Professor Nadeem Hafeez Butt supervised and Professor Moeen Yaqeen coordinated the felloship programme over two years. Sessions were held across Pakistan during Anuual OSP meetings in Peshawar, Lahore, Bhoorbun and Karachi. The candidates got their synopsis approved and defended their projects in front of the faculty and final composed and got their proposals approved . Dr. mazhry's project was Eye Health Education in Urdu. Final certificates of completion was awarded during Lahore Ophthalmo presidential dinner by Professor Carl Golnik and Professor Dawood Khan to the successful candidates on 8th of December 2017.

The Project:

Ophthalmological Society of Pakistan-American Academy of Ophthalmology-International Council of Ophthalmology

Leadership Development Program Class of 2015-2017

Eye Health Education in Urdu

معلوماتِ صحتِ چشم بہ زبانِ اردو

Author: Dr. Zia ul Mazhry

Table of Contents

Project Abstract 3

Overview. 4

Project Background and Description. 4

Project Scope. 4

Deliverables. 6

Implementation Plan. 6

The Chosen Topics. 7

Flashes and Floaters ((روشنی کی چمک اور اشکالِ نظر 8

Retinal Detachment ( (پردہ ءِ نظر کی علیحدگی. 10

Macular Degeneration (نظر کے مرکز کا بگاڑ) 12

Diabetic Retinopathyپردہءِ بصارت پہ ذیابیطیسی اثرات) ) 14

Cataract ( (سفید موتیا 16

Galaucoma (کالا موتیا) 18

Blepharitis پپوٹوں کی سوزش)) 20

Dry Eye ((چشمِ خُشک.. 22

Presbyopia ((پیر نظری 24

nus (مخروطی قرنیہ) 26

Appendix-1. 28

Certificates by the reviewers. 28

Approval and Authority to Proceed. 29


Project Abstract

Title of Project: Development of Ophthalmology Health Information in the Urdu Language

Author: Dr. Zia ul Mazhry

Purpose: There is a lack of ophthalmology health information and patient education material in languages other than English especially Urdu. My goals were to raise awareness of this issue, consider possible solutions, and put forth a method by which this material may be developed and made available to the public.

Methods: I reviewed the free patient education materials available from authentic internet resources like American Academy of Ophthalmology and the “Eye Health” online. I discussed this issue with the member colleagues of Ophthalmological Society of Pakistan. The Urdu language was chosen because this is the national language of Pakistan and is the most spoken and read the language in the country.

I authored health information on ten core general ophthalmology topics in English, and these were translated into Urdu. These include Flashes and Floaters, Retinal Detachment, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Cataract, Blepharitis, Dry Eye, Presbyopia, and Keratoconus.

Results: The final version of these ten topics is about two pages each in length. This document will be posted on the OSP Lahore’s website. This document may be distributed as a health information document or used at the point of care for patient education in an after visit summary.

Conclusions: A core conclusion from this project is that ideally an ophthalmologist who is fluent in the language and familiar with the culture, should develop health information in a given language.

This model could be applied to other languages. The difference between translation and interpretation was highlighted throughout this project.